Winter Squash, Lofthouse Landrace Mixta

  • Sale
  • Regular price $3.00

Quick Facts

  • Bred to thrive even in low-fertility
  • Easy to grow

Cucurbita mixta

Large green and white striped winter squash from plant breeder Joseph Lofthouse of Lofthouse Landrace Seeds in Paradise Utah.  Yellow flesh that is good for baking and similar to zucchini in taste and texture.  Also called cushaw squash and silver seed gourd, Cucurbita mixta is the least well known of 4 squash and pumpkin varieties native to North America.  Fruits averaging 12-15 lb.

How to grow it:

Germ Temp

Indoor Start

Germ Days

Frost Tolerant


Seed Depth

Plant/Row Spacing


3 w.

3-13 d.





Plant 1-2" deep in small mounds 24" apart. Winter squash are heavy feeders so provide fertility initially, then every few weeks through the season.  Harvest before the first frost, as even a slight frost will damage the flesh and make the squash unstorable.  Allow to cure in a sunny, frost free location for 2-3 weeks.  This curing process seals the pores of the squash skin for storage and improves flavor.

Learn more about growing, harvesting, and curing squash in our blog post about it!

Seed specs:  2 g., ~20 seeds