Tepary Bean, Sonoran White

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  • Regular price $6.50

Quick facts

  • Small, plump white beans
  • Drought and heat adapted

Phaseolus acutifolius

Bush habit. Sonoran white tepary beans range in color from white to minty green.  Plants grow in a bush habit and seeds are easy to separate from pods at harvest and cleaning.  We harvest the plants when the seed pods are dry and let the plant material and seed pods dry down on a tarp.  We then stomp on the tarps to release the seeds from the plant material, and use a fan to winnow.  The heavy seeds fall into a bucket and the light, dry plant material blows away.  

How to grow it:

Germ Temp

Indoor Start

Germ Days

Frost Tolerant


Seed Depth

Plant/Row Spacing


Not rec.

6-17 d.





Tepary beans are native to the Sonoran Desert in North America and are heat and drought tolerant. Plant 1" deep and 6" apart after all danger of frost has passed. Plants are not tolerant of much shade. Do not over water and stop watering completely once the seed pods are mature and begin to dry down. Bush plants will not climb a trellis. Harvest dry plants and shake in a bag to free beans from pods. Use a fan to blow off chaff.

Seed specs:  Packet size:  1/4 oz., 50 min.