Pea, Sugar Lode Snap

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  • Regular price $3.50

Quick facts

  • Super productive!
  • Stays sweet and tender in heat.

Pisum sativum

65 days.  Pole snap pea.  Excellent yields from 3 ft. climbers. Early and sweet, great pea for the heat!

Snap peas are plump and sweet and you can eat the stringless pods!

How to grow it:

Germ Temp

Indoor Start

Germ Days

Frost Tolerant


Seed Depth

Plant/Row Spacing


Not rec.

6-21 d.





Peas love a crowd, sow 1" apart along as soon as the ground can be worked in spring. No trellising necessary. Plants will bear longer if planted early and pods are picked regularly before peas begin drying down.

Seed specs:  1/4 oz., 50 seeds