Quinoa, Cherry Vanilla

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  • Regular price $3.25

Quick facts

  • Edible grain
  • Cute pink flowers

Chenopodium quinoa

95 days.  Cute rosy pink quinoa.  Quinoa is a wonderful plant of many uses.  It's an edible grain cooked like couscous or rice, and a beautiful flower for the ornamental garden.  Especially this one!  With its rosy glow, its the perfect addition to a textured flower garden!  This one gets 3-4 ft. tall.

How to grow it:

Germ Temp

Indoor Start

Germ Days

Frost Tolerant


Seed Depth

Plant/Row Spacing


3-4 w.

6-9 d.





Start inside 3-4 weeks before last frost, or direct sow outside around the last frost date.  Quinoa thrives in cooler conditions so don't delay.  Harvest dry plants and shake in a bag to free seeds from plants. Use a fan or screen to blow off chaff.

Seed specs:  Packet size- 1/2 g., ~250 seeds