Bee Watching

Bee Watching

Bee Watching
Ready to do some bee watching this year?  One reason we love growing seed crops is that you get to see a plant through it's whole lifecycle- from seed through to flower and fruit and back to seed.  Having lots of plants flowering affords lots of opportunities for pollinator and bee watching.  One of our favorite insects to watch is bumble bees- and it's probably yours too!

Did you know you can turn your bumble bee watching into data that can be used to help track and conserve bumble bee populations?  The Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation has an ongoing citizen science project called Bumble Bee Watch.  Simply snap a photo of the bumble bees you see in your garden and submit it to:

Once submitted, a bumble bee specialist will notify you of the species- so you can get to know the bumble bees in your garden!

Bring more bees to your garden by planting some of these
super pollinator attracting flowers:

Bee Balm
Exotic Love in a Mist
Kind of September Sunflower Mix
Red Breadseed Poppy
Lacy Phacelia